

Teaching on-line:

“I had my reservations about learning Reiki online, but it worked! It just reinforced how powerful the symbols are and how this sacred energy really is! As I began to practice and feel the power of these symbols, it really reconfirmed in me that I was on the right path. I loved that I was able to re- connect with my “Authentic- Self”. I learned that I had allowed other factors to come in and sway me from my true focus. I was having a hard time clearly looking within myself and who I was because I had so many layers in my mind that I had built around this. . .


“I’d like to add that Germaine is a brilliant teacher! She dances effortlessly between theory, practice and also shared life experiences. Her guidance and intuitive wisdom has been extremely helpful and supportive in guiding me on my path to becoming a Reiki Master. I felt safe opening up to her, with issues that could be sensitive and difficult. Germaine not only provided an atmosphere of comfort and trust, but she made me feel empowered with her constant guidance, teachings and feedback. Germaine ‘keeps it real’ on a level that most of us could relate to. After doing this course, I feel ready to embark on this exciting journey to build my Reiki practice and continue evolving spiritually. Thank you so much Germaine for everything!! This has been a life-changing experience!”

-Carolyn Stona, Usui Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master


The online Holy Fire 3 Karuna Reiki Master class that I participated in had a very relaxing atmosphere partially because everyone was in their own homes.   It was an ideal situation because no one had to contend with travel expenses or weather issues to get up close and personal with their chosen instructor.  Germaine brought a sense of humour, extensive experience and compassion to her classroom which only enhanced an already positive learning experience. . . I was surprised me how gentle and powerful the symbols are.  I enjoyed how Germaine focused on each symbol, powered by the Holy Fire symbol to give each other healings.  The ignitions and experiences were gentle but extremely powerful!  Words alone cannot express the magic and spiritual connection that I felt the moment I committed to Germaine’s workshop. The one word that came into my mind throughout the workshop and even when the workshop was finished, was how ‘grateful’ I feel to have attracted this high vibrational learning experience into my life! ” 

-Debbie B., Holy Fire 3 Karuna Reiki Master


“I completed my Level 1 & 2 Usui Holy Fire Reiki online with Germaine and really enjoyed my experience. I went into the course with the idea that it would be a refresher since I was attuned a few years ago for Usui Tibetan Reiki Level 1 & 2 in an in-person class. To my surprise I found this online class as effective if not more than the first time I took my Usui Tibetan Reiki courses. I found Germaine’s class nicely structured and very informative. Even my cats seemed to benefit from all the energy work even though it was done online!”
-Helene LeTourneau, Usui Holy Fire Reiki, Levels 1 & 2

Teaching in-person

“Recently I have learned Usui Holy Fire III from Germaine De Peralta and my experience was awesome.I find her teaching style very clear and easy to follow. She is compassionate and warm, and this exudes throughout the entire session. This experience has left me more optimistic and confident. I am very grateful to the universe for guiding me to her. Thank you Germaine for being my teacher.”

Qurratulain Shaikh, Usui Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master 


“Germaine taught me Reiki I, II and the Masters level. Reiki has been life changing and has supported my other healing and spiritual practices. Germaine is encouraging, helpful, and patient through the learning process. She understands that every individual’s connection to Reiki is unique, and she respects everyone’s journey. I deeply trust and appreciate her guidance, and I know that I can always go to her with questions as I continue to work professionally with Reiki clients and students. Thank you, Germaine! “
– Tara May Mazurk, Usui Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master


“Germaine has been my Reiki Master for many years. Even when we were classmates in Reiki Level 1 long ago, her serene spirit coupled with her enthusiastic approach to Reiki impressed me and the others in our community. As the years progressed she became a teacher of Holy Fire Reiki and it was my blessing to have become a Holy Fire Reiki Master with her as my instructor. Her instructions flow in a logical and concise manner with a lot of emphasis on practice. She does not go off tangents, and as an instructor myself, I can say she conducts her classes very professionally. The knowledge she will pass on to you will bring benefits to yourself and your loved ones. Sitting in her classes makes you want to be part of the Reiki Universe. And as her client, her Reiki treatments always leave me with a trouble-free heart and a lighter spirit.”

– Lawrence J. LeClair, Usui Holy Fire 2 Reiki Master


“I went for a Reiki session with Germaine without knowing exactly what to expect. To my surprise, I found a person that made me experience the most beautiful side of Reiki. Germaine is friendly, professional, with deep knowledge of Reiki and extreme sense of caring for others. I had two sessions with Germaine that changed my perspective on my personal situation and helped me deal with the challenges I was facing at that time. Enchanted by the way she channelled energy I wanted to learn more about this fascinating energy healing technique and later on became one of her students. Germaine is a great teacher-host, professional, sticks to schedule, extremely knowledgeable, well-prepared. If you are willing to learn Reiki, you are in a good place. I recommend Germaine and invite you to discover the wonders of Reiki”

– Anna Silfa, Usui Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master


“Germaine carries a spirituality about her and I know she is not someone who just picked this up. I feel that even before she got involved with Reiki she already had this spirituality, like it was her genuine lifelong practice. Germaine is talented in showing how Reiki works with unique methods and this adds value to her classes. Through her, I discovered the value of self-healing and the peace of mind Reiki brings you. She is a natural mentor, dedicated, and is passionate in helping people develop their abilities. I feel my confidence growing as I train as a Reiki Master with Germaine as my instructor and mentor.”

– Margaret P., Usui Holy Fire 2 Reiki Master


“A great big thank you to Germaine for the Reiki classes I studied with her. She has a wealth of information to share and I enjoyed every minute. I continue to practice daily and find a huge benefit.”

 – Pati Reesor, Usui Holy Fire 2 Reiki Master


“Germaine is an amazing teacher! I was taught Level 1 Usui Reiki by Germaine during the Fall of 2017. I was pregnant with my first child and thought it would be a great way to bond with my newborn. I felt Germaine’s healing energy instantly. Her place was warm and inviting. As a teacher, she was thorough and knowledgeable about Reiki and ensured that I was comfortable throughout the teachings. I now have my Level 2 and have noticed an improvement in my self-confidence and inner awareness. My intuition has strengthened. Plus, my newborn is now in the world and I have Reiki as an extra way to connect with him. I am looking forward to receiving my Masters from Germaine this year and would recommend Reiki Wanderlust to anyone looking to add Reiki to their lives.”

– Sarah Gott, Usui Holy Fire 2 Reiki, Level 2 Practitioner


“I really learned a lot from Germaine’s Reiki classes. She made me feel so comfortable and relaxed that it was easy to retain the material. Germaine makes Reiki understandable and customizes her teaching according to her student’s needs. Her teaching skills accommodate different types of people and she makes Reiki relevant to their daily lives. As a result of having learned Reiki well with Germaine as my teacher, I have been able to apply Reiki to my daily life and it has become a lot more balanced and I am calmer now handling daily situations that would normally stress me out, such as driving or studying for exams. As a teacher, I felt Germaine was a friend and we built a connection. So it was beyond a classroom feeling. She was so friendly and made the class enjoyable. I also liked that she incorporated crystal healing in her classes.”

– Desiree Charlebois, Usui-Tibetan Reiki, Level 2 Practitioner



“I have been seeing Germaine for regular Reiki sessions to help my depression and fatigue. Everytime I get a Reiki treatment from her, I feel peace and love energy. The results have been great and I always leave happy, positive and energetic. Germaine is very pleasant, very compassionate and very thorough in her treatments. She really knows what she’s doing.”

– H.R.


“I would recommend Reiki to anyone interested in bettering themselves, Germaine is fantastic and makes you feel comfortable during a session. It has been a very beneficial experience in my life and I look forward to more sessions with Germaine in the future!”

– Curtis Knuth


“I recently had the pleasure of meeting Germaine and received Reiki healing. I was in a very bad place in my life and nothing would give me a break.. once I started with Germaine giving me the Reiki healing sessions I felt like a million bucks.. pure energy!! She is amazing and such a loving person. I so recommend anyone to go for a Reiki healing with Germaine. My life has changed very quickly and great things have come my way in such a short time.”

– Tina Pomponio


“Germaine gave me Reiki sessions while I was going through radiation treatment for prostate cancer. It brought me comfort and peace of mind and I truly believe that it helped me heal as well. Germaine did it with knowledge and understanding of my needs. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone seeking Reiki.”

– Jean-Yves L Cancer survivor


“When I first went to see Germaine, I was going through a grieving process, due to employment change, and unhealthy parents, and I was feeling abandoned and anxious. During my Reiki session with Germaine, I could feel my grandparents’ and husband’s love coming through my heart. I felt more peaceful, and really good. It was awesome. Every time I see Germaine, I’m more and more impressed with her amazing healing abilities, and her kindness.”

– Lois Olafson


“I recently had the distinct pleasure of receiving a healing session from Germaine and it changed me. I felt safe and comfortable in her gentle, confident, and respectful presence so I was able to relax and trust in the healing process. Germaine intuited what was at the core of my internal struggle and invited me to heal the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of my subconscious struggle that her insights clarified for me. Another layer of my healing began with her and I will return for more. I highly recommend her.” 

– Susan Prosser


 “I enjoyed my Reiki treatments with Germaine. She made me feel comfortable and she is very personable. I have been having sleepless nights due to insomnia for a while. After the treatments, I am sleeping more soundly and my overall well-being has improved. I feel calmer and more peaceful after each session. The crystal healing work has been beneficial too.”

– Nicola Moore


 “Me and my mom booked appointments for Mother’s Day. While one of us got our treatment, the other went wandering around Westboro (lots of great shops). We both thoroughly enjoyed our treatment with Germaine – felt very relaxed and interestingly, both me and my mom had the same positive reaction to the same crystal. I’d recommend Germaine to anyone interested in trying Reiki, or continuing their own reiki journey. Thanks Germaine!!”

– Katherine Armstrong